Het concert van Greta Van Fleet, dat op 27 februari 2019 zou plaats vinden in AFAS Live gaat niet door. De volledige Europese tournee wordt uitgesteld in verband met een luchtweginfectie van zanger Josh. Het concert wordt verplaatst naar dinsdag 12 november 2019.

In een officiële verklaring licht het management toe;
“We have some sincerely unfortunate news regarding our upcoming shows February 22 – March 17 and must announce a complete reschedule to this Fall. A year and a half of constant touring has been both invigorating and exhausting. Josh currently has a relentless upper respiratory infection that has not yet had the chance to heal. His doctor has required extended rest as the only path to full recovery. It now feels necessary for the entire band to recalibrate our balance, both physically and mentally. Rather than continuing on to more performances and exacerbate things further, we have made this decision in order to give you the full Greta Van Fleet experience when we meet again. We are heartbroken in sharing this setback with you and hope you can understand this painful decision.’’